Bella (The Boxer)

After the loss our Sierra we didn’t think we could have another boxer in our lives, then we started seeing boxers from 2 local NW Rescues on Facebook and we fell in love…with a few. After going through the paperwork, one finally was a perfect match. Meet Bella (we changed her name and it suits her perfectly). Her “Gotcha Day” was May 5th, 2024 and she’s already spoiled rotten and a member of the family.

She’s loves attention and loves to eat. She often watches dogs in our home and tries to play with most of them. We’re still working on teaching her all the dog things and especially to “be a good girl, every day”. That means not taking momma’s stuff outside! She’s a typically silly boxer, not so much with the zoomies running crazy outside but often you’ll see her with her head on the floor, butt in the air in the strangest poses…boxers are silly that way.